
Showing posts from October, 2023


Hi I am, Aswin (roll no:18), 5th sem medical student. This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's health data shared after taking his/her consent . This also reflects my patient centered care and online learning portfolio. Chief Complaints: A 20 yrs old male came to opd with chief complaints of Yellowsish discoloration of eyes. History of presenting illness: patient was apparently asymptimatic since one year back then developed Yellowsish discoloration of eyes  POSITIVE HISTORY Loss of appetite Irregular bowel and bladder movements Adipsia NEGATIVE HISTORY: N/K/C/O: TB , Asthma, epilepsy, thyroid PERSONAL HISTORY: Mixed diet Irregular bowel and bladder movements Adipsia No addictions Sleep adequate FAMILY HISTORY: No relevent family history GENERAL EXAMINATION: The patient was conscious, coherent , well oriented to time place person and was examined in a well ventilated room No pallor Icterus present No lymphadenopathy No clubbing of fingers Well built  Well nourished No

This is an online E Log book recorded to discuss and comprehend our patient's de-identified health data shared, AFTER taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.

Hi, I Aswin.I 6th sem medical student. This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning protofolia Chief Complaints: Bilateral loin pain since 3days. History Of Presenting Illness: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 7days back then he sustained snake bite (with Russell viper) on left ring finger while working in the fields,visited local hospital and managed symptomatically.  C/O bilateral loin pain,insidious in onset ,intermittent,gradually progressive,pricking type ,non radiating,aggravates on lying down. C/O low grade fever,Nausea and vomiting,bloating. N/C/O Burning Micturation,decreased or increased urine output. N/C/O cough,cold,body aches,chest pain. Past History: n/k/c/o diabetes HTN,Epilepsy,Tuberculosis,CAD,CVA Personal History: Diet : Mixed,  Appetite : Normal Sleep : Normal Bowel and bladder moments :Regular  Addictions: chronic alcoholic since 20years. Tobacco smokin

This is an online E Log book recorded to discuss and comprehend our patient's de-identified health data shared, AFTER taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.

Hi, I Aswin.I  6th sem medical student. This is an online elog book to discuss our patients health data after taking his consent.This also reflects my patient centered online learning protofolia A 65 years old Male brought to hospital (Casualty) with   Cheif complaints * Right upper limb and lower limb weakness *Pain in neck History of presenting illness Patient was apparently asymptomatic till yesterday.Then he fall down over the floor on face(event occur around 5.30pm near miryaluguda and complaints of pain in neck (from 6.00pm on 10/10/23) sudden in onset and its not radiating and tenderness present on back of neck. Unable to move his right upper limb and lower limb. No micturition since fall •No history of nausea, vomiting,nose bleed,ear bleed •No history of fever Past history Not a known case of      Hypertension     Diabetes     Asthma     Tuberculosis     Epilepsy     H/o trauma (RTA) 10yrs back Personal history     Appetite normal     Mixed diet     Regular bowel movements